Bourne Recreation
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Kids' Test Kitchen: Cooking Class

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Do you have an aspiring chef at home that's always looking to help in the kitchen? This program is for you! Kids' Test Kitchen is on a mission to get eaters of all ages and abilities, cooking, tasting, and thinking about healthy ingredients!

We present kids the opportunity to explore new or familiar foods in their raw, unmanipulated state. Then, working as a team, they’ll slice, dice, peel, measure, and cook until they’ve prepared the finished dish. Class closes with opportunity to taste the result of their hard work. Students receive a printed recipe card and the focal ingredient - or a sample of the finished dish - so they can show off what they learned!

Even the most reluctant eaters enjoy Kids’ Test Kitchen, where participation is
encouraged, and the choice to taste is always one’s own. Lessons are planned to celebrate seasonal produce, whole grains, and legumes.

Kids have food allergies, but they shouldn’t miss out on the fun. We know allergies and can work around them, making sure that everyone is having fun and staying safe. *Please clearly disclose all food allergies and/or dietary restrictions upon registration. 

Wednesdays, March 27th-May 5th  (No Class: April 17th)
Time: 4:30pm-5:30pm
Eligibility: Ages 5+
Location: Bourne Community Building Cafe

Once registered, please follow the link below to best prepare your child for their first class! 

The Recreation Department is not responsible for participants prior to the scheduled start of a program. We ask that caregivers stay with their children until attendance has been taken and the participant has been properly signed into the program with the instructor. Participants will be dismissed from the program to the caregiver promptly at conclusion. Caregivers must be physically present at dismissal. If you require any special accommodations related to dismissal, please communicate that with the Recreation Staff prior to the start of the program.

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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