Adult Recess: Kickball
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Let's relive those recess glory days with your friends, family, or co-workers in this fun social setting. Kickball is fun sport for players of all skill levels and abilities! Players must be 21 years or older at the start of the program. Participants will receive a team t-shirt with registration! Please read the following program information carefully before registering.
There are two registration options: Free Agent & Team Registration
Free Agents are solo participants looking to be placed on a team.
Team Registration (8 Players Max): participants who are registering in groups of 8 players. One team captain will register your team, gather shirt sizes, be the point of contact for program information and be responsible for communicating that information to your team. Please list your team name during the registration process. Members of the team will sign the Recreation Department waiver in person prior to the first game.
The Recreation Department reserves the right to place up to 4 free agents on a team. Final rosters will be made up of up to 12 players, and must have a minimum of 2 females rostered. To keep a balanced schedule, once the first 4 teams have registered, the 5th team will be pushed to the wait list. Once a 6th team registers, both teams will be pulled from the waiting list.
The first 16 free agents will be assigned a team, all others will be wait listed until 6 teams have registered. You will be notified as soon as that happens.
Wait list balances must be paid within 24 hours of notification. You will be notified via the email listed on your household account. If balances remain after 24 hours, we will attempt to reach you via phone. If we do not hear back, your spot will be offered to the next person on the waiting list.
Dates: Wednesdays, January 3rd-31st
Game Times: 6:00pm, 6:50pm, or 7:40pm
Location: Bourne Community Building Gym
Cost: $192.00 (Per Team) / $24.00 (Free Agent)
Eligibility: Ages 21+
Games will be 45 minutes.
There is a max of 8 players on the “field”.
Batting order is set before the start of the game alternating male/female where feasible. We will provide a white board for you to write your line up, which will help keep track of order.
Out of bounds:
The ceiling and gym dividing curtain
A batters kick hitting the ceiling results in a strike
A fielders throw hits the ceiling results in runners advancing one base.
Fouls will be called to the left of third base, and before the marked foul tape on the right wall.
Fielding Positions:
Teams will field 1 catcher, a pitcher, 3 infielders, and 3 outfielders.
The catcher must stay behind home plate
Only the pitcher is allowed inside the pitcher area. All fielders must stay behind the pitcher.
The strike zone is one foot on each side of the home plate, marked with cones.
The ball must be rolled, not bounced.
2 balls is a walk, 2 strikes is an out.
There are no restrictions on the number of batters.
No bunting allowed. Will result in an out. A full kick attempt will be at the discretion of the recreation staff.
Any ball that gets stuck will result in a re-kick
Strikeout – 2 strikes
Tag Out, Caught fly ball, runner hit with a thrown kicked ball below the neck.
A runner hit in the head is awarded the next base.
Ball caught off the side wall is an out. A ball bounced off the side wall, then back wall and caught is an out.
A ball off the back wall is NOT an out.
If play stops and there are three runners on the base, the last runner to arrive to the base is out.
There are no force outs at any base, a runner must be contacted by the ball.
Base Running
When running to first base, a player can overrun first and still be safe. They must not make an attempt to run to second. Once they make an attempt to run toward second, they can be tagged out upon returning to the base.
Two runners are allowed to occupy a base. If two players are on the base at the same time, they can leave the base in any order.
Two players can form a chain, by touching feet, to gain a lead. Players that breaks the chain or leaves the base before the ball is kicked will be out. Traditional leading and stealing is not allowed.
A runner must tag up on caught fly balls. Runners must touch a base to be safe. The foot chain is for leading only.
If a base runner catches a ball thrown or kicked at them by a fielder, play stops. The team receives one run for the catch, and all base runners advance on base or to the base that they were advancing.
A runner crosses home plate.
A runner catches a ball thrown or kicked at him by fielder scores one run and all runners advance one base.
A kicker that hits the backboard of the far basketball hoop scores a homerun, but all other runners advance only one base.
A kicker that hits the small square of the far basketball backboard scores a home run and all runners score.
A kicker that gets the ball in the far basket will score an automatic 5 runs, plus all base runners.
A runner is awarded 3rd base, and there are already 2 runners on the base, the runner that was there first scores.
Safety Measures:
Fielders must try to stay out of the way of advancing runners unless they have the ball or are making a play on the ball. The runners always have the right of way. Any interference and the runner is awarded the base they were advancing towards.
The goal of this program is to have fun. These games will be competitive, all while maintaining good sportsmanship. Behavior deemed unacceptable by staff may result in suspension and/or ejection from a game or the program.