Bourne Recreation
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Glow Light Egg Hunt Register View Cart

Glow Eggs
Come have fun at our Eggstravaganza!!

Our annual Glow Light Egg Hunt returns once again. Come join us in the Community Center Gym and search for eggs filled with sweet treats. With a glow in the dark theme we encourage you to wear your bright colors and sneakers.
Bring your own basket, though we will have smaller ones available if needed.

Let's Glow!!

Date: Thursday, April 10th
Time: 7:30pm
Age: K-5th Grade
Cost: FREE (This is a residents only program)
Location: Bourne Community Center Gym
Registration Deadline: Friday, April 4th

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Glow Light Egg Hunt 
N/A K - 5 Th  04/10/2025
07:30 PM - 08:00 PM

Bourne Veteran's Memorial Community Center - Room 3
$0.00 Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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